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Pregnancy and birth

The cost of your birth depends on the choice of your room, whether you will give birth at home and when you go home. CM pays the majority of the costs directly to the hospital. You must pay the hospital bill you receive yourself. This is your personal share.

Affiliated with CM-MediKo? Then you will receive a delivery allowance of 250 euros per birth.

CM provides a reimbursement of a maximum of 5 euros per hour of maternity care provided. This with a maximum of 30 hours of maternity care per child.

Are you planning more than 30 hours of maternity care and are you and your partner members of CM? Then have both your names mentioned on the invoice, so you can request up to 60 hours of maternity care and recover up to 300 euros.

The reimbursement will be paid for services:

  • from 1 month before the expected date of delivery;
  • up to 3 months after delivery (in case of home birth or polyclinic birth);
  • or up to 3 months after the newborn's discharge from the hospital.

As a new mom and dad, you can choose:

  • for births as from 2025*
    • either a premium of 170 euro;
    • or a premium of 40 euro + the Dreambaby gift cards for an amount of 180 euro
  • for births in 2024 or earlier
    • a premium of 130 euro;
    • the Dreambaby gift cards for an amount of 180 euro

Of the 180 euro Dreambaby gift card 160 euro is to be spent on the entire catalog, except gift and pay cards and infant milk. 20 euro is to be spent on Dreambee, Dreambaby's own brand. 

* Subject to approval by the Health Insurance Fund Control Service.

More about the birth gift

Other benefits:

The maternity leave for employees and the unemployed is 15 weeks, divided into 2 periods:

  • 6 weeks of prenatal rest (the rest before your expected delivery date);
  • 9 weeks of postnatal rest (the rest after your expected delivery date).

You must take at least 1 week of the 6 weeks of prenatal rest before the expected date of delivery. You can convert the remaining 5 weeks into postnatal rest. The postnatal rest always starts from the date of delivery and must last 9 weeks. You can possibly extend the period with the transferable part of the prenatal rest.

The maternity leave for self-employed persons is a maximum of 12 weeks:

  • 3 of these are mandatory, of which 1 week is prenatal (before your expected delivery date). You must include the other 2 starting from the date of delivery;
  • You can choose to take 9 weeks in periods of 7 calendar days. During these weeks you may carry out your self-employed activities for a maximum of half instead of stopping them completely.

As a working mother, you receive 82% of your gross salary for the first 30 days (no maximum amount). From the 31st day this is 75% of the capped gross salary. The benefit is transferred twice a month.

As an unemployed mother, you receive 60% of the reference wage (amount on which your unemployment benefit is calculated) for the first 30 days, but limited to the amount of the unemployment benefit and the supplement of 19.50% of the reference wage.
From the 31st day, this drops to 60% of the reference wage, but limited to the amount of unemployment benefit and the supplement of 15% of the reference wage. The benefit is transferred twice a month.

The benefit for self-employed mothers is a fixed amount per week. For the first four weeks, that amount is slightly higher than from the fifth week. Do you choose to continue your activities as a self-employed person for a maximum of half of the time for one or more weeks? Lower amounts are then provided.

You can find the exact amounts here .

A first payment is made no later than the 30th calendar day, starting from the first day of maternity leave. This is followed by monthly payments . The amount is always reduced by 11.11% withholding tax.

Are you on maternity leave and have you not taken any vacation days? You can transfer these to the next calendar year from 2024.

This eliminates the old rule that denied benefits for unused vacation days at the end of the year. You can therefore receive your full benefit even if you have not yet taken any vacation days.

  • Submit your planning to CM and your employer four weeks before the end of your 9 (or 11) weeks of mandatory postnatal rest.
  • Provide CM with a certificate of return to work that has also been completed by your employer.
  • Provide CM with a certificate from the employer afterwards with all days of leave taken.

If your maternity leave is extended by at least 2 weeks after the 9 weeks of mandatory postnatal rest (11 weeks for multiple births), you can convert the last 2 weeks into postnatal leave days.

You can take these days during the first 8 weeks after resuming work, to make the transition more gradual.

If you do not stop working in time, the maternity leave will be less than 15 weeks. Are you unable to take the mandatory week of prenatal rest or only partially because of the premature delivery? Then you will irrevocably lose the unused days.

Does the birth take place later than expected and have you already taken 6 weeks of prenatal rest? Your prenatal rest will then be extended until the day of delivery.

Because you are obliged to take 9 weeks of postnatal rest, your maternity rest in this case will last longer than 15 weeks.

If you have a multiple birth, you will receive 4 additional weeks of rest and are therefore entitled to 19 weeks of maternity rest.

Does your newborn have to stay in hospital for more than 7 days? Then the maternity leave will be extended by the number of days of hospitalisation that exceed the first 7. In this way, your maternity leave can be extended by a maximum of 24 weeks.

Example: your baby stays in the hospital for 21 days from birth. Your maternity leave is then extended by 14 days.

What should you do?

  • Provide CM with a certificate from the hospital stating the period of hospitalization.
  • Please contact CM via the contact form .

If you as a mother are admitted to hospital or die, the father or co-parent can take converted maternity leave.

The duration of the converted maternity leave depends on the status of the mother.

Wage earner or unemployed, when admitted to hospital

  • As a co-parent or father, you can take the converted maternity leave from the 8th day after the birth. This is on the condition that your baby is no longer in the hospital.
  • The duration of the converted maternity leave is equal to the number of days of maternity leave that have not yet been taken.
  • Will the mother be discharged from the hospital before this period expires? Then the converted maternity leave will immediately end.

Wage earner or unemployed, upon death
As a co-parent or father, you can take the converted maternity leave from the day after the death. Its duration is equal to the number of days of maternity leave that have not yet been taken.

Self-employed, upon death
As a co-parent or father, with self-employed status, you can take the converted maternity leave from the day after the death. Its duration is equal to the number of days of maternity leave that have not yet been taken.

When the mother is employed or unemployed
Deliver your CM:

  • an extract of the birth certificate or a medical certificate confirming the birth;
  • a statement from the hospital that the baby has left the hospital;
  • in case of hospital admission of the mother: certificate from the hospital regarding the period of admission;
  • in case of death of the mother: death certificate.

You will receive from CM:

  • an information sheet: complete it as quickly as possible and submit it to CM. Your employer receives the request for salary data directly from CM. In the event of unemployment, the unemployment service provides the data.
  • proof of return to work: return it to CM 8 days after the end of the converted maternity leave.

If the mother is independent, provide CM with a death certificate for the mother and proof that the child is part of your family.

In case the mother is employed or unemployed

  • If the mother is admitted: the benefit is 60% of the gross salary or unemployment compensation.
  • In the event of the death of the salaried mother: the benefit is 82% of the gross salary (no maximum amount) during the first 30 days and 75% of the capped gross salary from the 31st day.
  • In the event of the death of the unemployed mother: during the first 30 days the benefit amounts to 60% of the gross salary on which the unemployment benefit is calculated (reference wage), limited to the amount of the unemployment benefit and a supplement of 19.50% of the reference wage. From the 31st day, the benefit is 60% of the reference wage, limited to the amount of the unemployment benefit and a supplement of 15% of the reference wage.

The benefit is transferred twice a month.

In case the mother is independent

A fixed amount per week is provided. That amount is slightly higher for the first four weeks than from the fifth week. For the week in which the mother dies, the heirs will be paid the full weekly amount. From the following week, this will go to the self-employed person who takes care of the child.

You can find the exact amounts here .

  • Both parents are entitled to 4 months of parental leave.
  • You can record this until your child is 12 years old. You will receive the compensation via the NEO .

  • If the father or co-parent of your child is included on the birth certificate, he or she is entitled to maternity leave.
  • If there is officially no father or co-parent, the person with whom you legally live is eligible for maternity leave.
  • If you do not legally live together, the person you lived with for at least three years before the birth can use maternity leave.

Fathers and co-parents who are employed and wish to apply for maternity leave must request this from their employer.

  • Fathers and co-parents apply for maternity leave from their employer. There is no standard form for this. They only need a copy of the birth certificate extract.
  • After approval by the employer, fathers and co-parents can apply for the benefit. It is sufficient to submit this completed application form to CM.
  • After the application has been submitted to CM, the father or co-parent will receive an information sheet. Return this completed to CM.
  • CM requests wage data directly from the employer.

Fathers and co-parents who are self-employed must apply for maternity leave from their social insurance fund.

Important: you must apply for maternity leave before the end of the quarter following the quarter of the birth.

Fathers or co-parents who are registered as employees are allowed to be absent from work for 20 days after the birth of their child. They do not have to take these days consecutively, but they do have to take them within 4 months after birth.

Self-employed people who have become fathers or co-parents are also entitled to maternity leave. They can interrupt their professional activity for births from January 1, 2023 for a maximum of 20 days (or 40 half days) up to 4 months after the birth.

For the first 3 days, the salary of the co-parent or father who is employed remains the same and the benefit is paid by the employer. Co-parents and fathers receive a benefit from CM for the remaining days (after the maternity leave ends).

This benefit amounts to 82% of the capped gross salary. The benefit is paid out as soon as all days of the maternity leave are taken and CM did receive the information sheet filled out by the member and employer.

If you have any questions about maternity leave benefits for self-employed people, you can contact the social insurance fund.

Yes, both adoptive parents (both employees and self-employed) are entitled to adoption leave when adopting one or more minor children.

Both employees and self-employed persons are entitled to 6 consecutive weeks of adoption leave. You also have the option to extend the adoption leave by 3 weeks. Parents can divide the extra weeks or one of the parents can take the full 3 extra weeks.

In the event of simultaneous adoption of several minor children, the adoption leave is extended by 2 weeks per parent.

Anyone who does not want to use the maximum number of weeks of adoption leave must take at least one week or a multiple of it.

Does the child have a physical or mental disability? The maximum duration of the adoption leave will then be doubled.

Adoptive parents who are registered as employees

  • Inform your employer of your adoption leave.
  • Provide CM with the completed application form (together with the necessary supporting documents).
  • You will receive an information sheet and proof of resumption of work. Complete the information sheet and return it to CM as soon as possible. CM will ask your employer for your salary details.
  • No later than 8 days after the end of your adoption leave, you must return the completed proof of return to work to CM.

Adoptive parents who are independent
Provide CM with the completed application form (together with the necessary supporting documents).

You keep your salary for the first 3 days. For the remaining days you will receive a benefit from CM twice a month. It amounts to 82% of the capped gross salary.
The benefit is paid out on fixed dates, which can be found in the payment calendar for employees .

The benefit is a fixed amount per week . You will receive the full amount from CM no later than one month after the adoption leave, less 11.11% withholding tax.

Employees are entitled to breastfeeding leave to breastfeed their child or express milk.

Anyone who works 4 hours a day is allowed a 30-minute break. Anyone who works at least 7.5 hours a day is allowed to take a break of 1 hour (or 2 times of 30 minutes). The breaks can be taken up to 9 months after birth.

Yes, CM pays a benefit for those interruptions.

This benefit amounts to 82% of the gross salary. The benefits are paid out on fixed dates, which can be found in the payment calendar .

No, since your employer knows when you have given birth, he also knows when you will return to work. It is not necessary to complete a return to work document.

  • Night work and overtime are prohibited.
  • The law provides for maternity leave and removal from work (if working conditions pose health risks).

If the work situation poses health risks for you or your child, the occupational physician may decide that you are no longer allowed to work in those circumstances.

The employer must check whether alternative employment without health risks is possible. If that is not the case, you must stop the work completely.

Work removal is possible both during pregnancy and after birth (up to a maximum of five months after delivery). Its duration is determined by the occupational physician.

You have to deliver CM:

  • a certificate completed by the employer;
  • a certificate from the occupational physician regarding the decision to commit compulsory removal from work (both in the case of removal from work during pregnancy and after birth);
  • a medical certificate drawn up by your doctor with the expected date of delivery and, if applicable, the statement that it concerns a multiple pregnancy (only in case of absence from work during pregnancy).

You will receive:

  • an information sheet: complete it as quickly as possible and submit it to CM. Your employer receives the request for salary data directly from CM. In the event of unemployment, the unemployment service provides the data.
  • proof of return to work: return it completed to CM within 8 days after the end of work removal.

If the occupational physician does not allow you to resume work because you are breastfeeding , you fall under the work removal scheme and therefore receive a benefit from CM, also known as breastfeeding leave .

If you decide to stay at home to breastfeed, you are not entitled to a refund from CM. In this case, you stay at home without pay or you can fall back on a time credit system, which can be applied for through the RVA and the unemployment institutions.

A period of work removal can only be granted if there is a contract between employer and employee. If the contract is terminated , the removal of work and therefore also the benefits from CM automatically come to an end. If you have no other job, you must register with an unemployment institution in order to have a replacement income.

The situations below involve partial work removal .

  • You work for 1 employer and are assigned alternative work or you are only allowed to continue part of your regular work, which means you suffer a loss of wages.
  • You work for 2 employers: at one you have to stop work because it poses risks to you and your child; with the other you can continue working because there are no health risks.
  • As an employee, you also have an independent activity, but you have to stop work because it poses risks to you and your child. If you wish to continue your self-employed activity, you must send an application form to CM's consulting physician to request permission.

As a pregnant employee, you may, with full pay, be absent from work to have pregnancy examinations carried out. This provided that:

  • the investigations cannot take place outside working hours;
  • the employer has been informed in advance;
  • a medical certificate confirms the absence.