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CM will refund 40 euro per year for new glasses. For children up to 18 years that amount is even 50 euro. In certain cases you will also receive a reimbursement from your health insurance.

The reimbursement by your health insurance depends on the lenses you choose, your visual impairment and your age.

Are you not eligible for a refund by the health insurance ? Then you are undoubtedly entitled to the CM benefit. The exact amounts, the conditions and the way in which you can request a refund, you will discover below.

Health insurance | apply

Ask your ophthalmologist for a prescription

Visit a certified optician with this prescription within 6 months.

Submit prescription to your optician

Always ask your optician whether reimbursement from your health insurance is possible.

Health insurance reimbursement?

Are the glasses eligible for reimbursement from health insurance? Then you will receive from your optician:

  • a certificate of delivery;
  • the prescription you received from your ophthalmologist.

Complete the certificate

Upon receipt of the glasses, you fill out the delivery certificate and sign it. This confirms the good receipt and you inform the optician you have been informed about the outstanding amount and the supplement that is not reimbursed by the health insurance.

Submit the certificate to CM

You deliver the following documents to CM via the CM mailbox :

  • a certificate of delivery;
  • the prescription you received from your ophthalmologist.

Health Insurance | Reimbursements

  • If you buy your glasses from a non-contracted optician , the reimbursement will be reduced by 25 percent , except in the case of increased reimbursement.

Spectacle lenses

  • refundable for all ages
  • Refund per glass: between €79.56 and €369.24
  • single vision glasses, for distance or close-up
  • multi-vision lenses (bifocal, trifocal or multifocal)
  • there is a difference in strength with the previous lenses of at least 0.5 dioptres or the lenses are 5 years old (or 2 years old for -18 year olds)

  • refundable for under 18s
  • reimbursement per glass: between 44.40 euros and 325.25 euros (except for a non-contracted optician )
  • single vision glasses, for distance or close-up
  • multi-vision lenses (bifocal, trifocal or multifocal)
  • there is a difference in strength with the previous lenses of at least 0.5 dioptres or the lenses are 2 years old

  • refundable for people over 65
  • Refund per glass: between 91.80 euros and 321.30 euros
  • multi-vision lenses (bifocal, trifocal or multifocal)
  • There is a difference in strength from the previous lenses of at least 0.5 dioptres or the lenses are 5 years old.
  • From (+/-) 6.00 dioptres you fall into the category 'glasses with at least (+/-) 6.00 dioptres' for reimbursement, see above.

  • refund per glass between 136.68 euros and 780.30 euros
  • single vision lenses (with or without diopter correction)
  • clip-on glasses and suspension systems
  • there is a difference in strength with the previous lenses of at least 0.5 dioptres or the lenses are 5 years old (or 2 years old for -18 year olds)
  • Please note: you will only receive a refund if you have a medical condition . This is the case if your ophthalmologist states the dioptre per eye on your prescription and puts a cross at 'Yes' in the 'Medical indication' box .


Young people under the age of 18 will receive a refund of 28.56 euros for a frame :

  • At a non-contracted optician this is 21.42 euros
  • maximum twice
  • at least one lens of the glasses must be reimbursed for the first refund


CM advantage

If you buy spectacle frames, spectacle lenses, lenses or a combination of these, you will receive:

  • up to and including 18 years: a refund of up to 50 euros per calendar year;
  • from the age of 19: a refund of up to 40 euros per calendar year.

You deliver the invoice to CM

You deliver the following documents to CM via the My CM app or the CM mailbox :

  • the invoice stating the diopter;
  • the payment receipt stating the dioptre and the amount paid.

You will receive your refund

The payment will be transferred to your account as soon as possible.