Physiotherapy: nomenclature
As a physiotherapist, how do you correctly apply the nomenclature?

On these pages you will find information about Article 7 of the nomenclature. This article contains the application rules for health insurance reimbursement in physiotherapy treatment.
The items provide basic information for correct billing and tarrification. The regulations and more detailed information can be found on the RIZIV website.
To avoid unpleasant situations in connection with reimbursement to the patient, we offer you this poster to hang up in the waiting room.
Overview of nomenclature codes
In this overview you will find the physiotherapy nomenclature codes.
The table is only an aid and does not replace the authentic texts. The source for these nomenclature codes is the appendix to the Royal Decree of 14 September 1984 and its successive amendments as published in the Belgian Official Gazette. See also the RIZIV website .