eTools for doctors
eTools simplify your administration and make your applications and payments faster.

As a healthcare provider, stay informed of all changes with this overview of etools and what you can do with them.
Electronic invoicing third-party payment scheme for doctors (eFact)
This tool includes two parts: the electronic consultation of rates (eTar) for general practitioners and the electronic settlement of services provided within the third-party payment scheme .
With the electronic global medical file you can, among other things, consult the GMD status of your patients and report new GMD relationships. You can read more about medical records here.
Electronic applications for medicines Chapter IV
With this application you can submit new applications and renewal applications, as well as consult permissions.
If you pay in cash, as a general practitioner or specialist (in private practice) you can send your certificates for the care provided electronically via MyCareNet.
Therapeutic relationship
A therapeutic relationship is a relationship that you, as a healthcare provider, enter into with your patient to share and consult their health data.
- By reading the patient's eID (also with Kids ID) into your own software package.
- By having a GMD relationship.
- By reading the patient's eID into EMD (eHealth platform) and creating a therapeutic relationship.
- Because your patient created a therapeutic relationship via the eHealth website.
Its duration varies depending on the care provided and the relationship with the care provider.
- If you read the patient's eID during a consultation, a therapeutic relationship is usually registered for an individual healthcare provider (except emergency physicians and doctors in on-call posts) for fifteen months. This is also the term for pharmacies when delivering a medicine. For a referral, this duration is three months.
- If you have a long relationship with your patient, which is formalized by a global medical record (GMD), you have access for one year from the opening date of the file. This period will be extended again by one year if your GMD is extended.
- In case of hospitalization or outpatient treatment in hospital, the duration of the therapeutic relationship is three months.
- An emergency doctor or doctor in a waiting post has access to the data for one month, counting from the date of patient contact.
- It is also possible for a therapeutic relationship to be registered if there was no physical contact between doctor and patient. For example, when doctor A refers a patient to doctor B. If he or she needs to be sufficiently trained before the first consultation, doctor A can register a therapeutic relationship between the patient and doctor B for three months. The patient must have his eID read by doctor A and enter his PIN code.
Yes. Your patient can always end the therapeutic relationship via the eHealth portal.
Yes. Every citizen can create a lifelong relationship through eHealth.
Do you work as an eGMD holder in a group practice? The other authorized general practitioners of this group practice will then also have access to your digital medical information. This is to guarantee better continuity of care. More information can be found on the Riziv website .
Consult patient's insurability
Is your patient entitled to benefits such as the third-party payment scheme? Is your patient compliant with health insurance? Is your patient's health insurance sticker still valid ?
With the online 'Insurability' service you can directly consult the insurability of your patient.
Thanks to electronic consultation, you know the exact insurability status of your patient at the time of request. You will receive valuable information and have access to the latest data .
The online information takes precedence over the yellow sticker, the data of which may no longer be up to date. It is therefore advisable to request the insurability digitally during each patient contact .
There are two possibilities .
- With a software package recognized by the National Intermutualist College (NIC)
You can easily request the insurability via software packages that are recognized by the NIC. Certain software even automatically asks whether you want to request insurability when you open your patient's file. How this functionality appears on the screen may vary from software to software. Do not hesitate to contact your software supplier for more information.
- Via the NIC portal
The quickest and most efficient way to request insurability via the NIC portal is to read your patient's eID card. You can also enter your patient's national register number manually.
The MyCareNet message indicates whether your patient is entitled to the third-party payment scheme. This way you know whether you should apply this scheme . You will also receive the message 'not in line' or 'registered in a medical home'. In these situations we do not recommend applying the third-party payment scheme .
For more explanation and an illustration about consulting a patient's insurability, view this presentation.
More information on the insurability page of the Riziv.
Software packages and integrated practice premium
Questions about your software package? Here you will find the answers.
On MyCareNet you will find an overview of the recognized packages and their functionalities. The functionalities have been extensively tested and checked and have been approved by the National Intermutualistic College (NIC). Its operation is therefore guaranteed.
From your software supplier. Almost all software packages offer instructional materials (manuals, training courses, instructional videos), both when using the package and when launching new functionalities. Most packages also include a help function.
The eHealth platform and the MyCareNet platform have various functionalities that can be used online without the need for a software package.
This is how you can use MyCareNet:
- consult the insurability of a patient;
- consult the rates;
- exceptionally apply electronic invoicing ;
- request a patient's GMD right.
In addition, you can use the Chapter IV functionality on the eHealth platform to submit electronic requests for Chapter IV medication .
Please note: the functionalities are only available to a limited extent via these channels. Only software packages with homologation offer complete functionality.
Some software packages already offer mobile solutions, allowing you to also use their package on a tablet or smartphone. Synchronization then takes place upon return to the cabinet. Contact your software provider to ask if these options are available for your package.
For the eGMD, completed during a home visit, you have seven days to enter the GMD relationship in your package.
Your software supplier is your first point of contact for all technical questions. But also check the technical accessibility of all functionalities on the MyCareNet status page.
The Riziv encourages the use of e-tools with a premium. This is tailored to the effective use of the etools, such as the electronic file, and additional conditions determine the specific amount. The functionalities of a recognized software are determined annually by the Riziv.
With Recip-e you send prescriptions electronically to the pharmacist.
Unique Contact Point (UCP)
Each doctor is assigned to one Unique Contact Point (UCP) for billing.
Your UCP is determined based on your address (zip code), as indicated and registered with the Riziv.
To know your UCP, you can consult this file. Is there '126-135' next to your zip code? 126 (CM Sint-Michielsbond) is for Dutch-speaking doctors, 135 (MC Saint-Michel) for French-speaking doctors.
You can find out how your UCP can be reached on the page with contact points for healthcare providers .
More information
If you have any questions about these e-tools, please contact a contact point in your region .