Find a healthcare provider in your area

Find a doctor, dentist, physiotherapist or other healthcare provider in your area. And check whether they respect the agreed rates.

Here you can search for a care provider based on address details. Do you live in a city or a large municipality? Then it is best to enter your full address including street name and house number as a search query.

Who do you think?

Healthcare providers who have a recognition number with the Riziv

The data is based on the information that healthcare providers have passed on to the Riziv.

The file includes all healthcare providers with an active approval number.

  • Doctors and dentists are not admitted as long as they are in training.
  • A care provider who has a number with the status 'retired' or 'suspended' will no longer be included.

Only addresses of healthcare providers who have provided a work address are shown.

You can find out whether a speech therapist is certified or not on the Riziv website.

CM is not responsible for any inaccuracies.

Chiropractors, osteopaths and psychotherapists who have an agreement with CM* (and their addresses) in the context of the CM reimbursement for chiropractic, osteopathy and psychological care.

If you cannot find certain information or a healthcare provider in the list, please contact CM.

For healthcare providers

The healthcare provider module only shows addresses that are known to the Riziv as a work address. You can provide a work address to the Riziv via ProGezondheid .

Add or delete other data
You can have your data supplemented or deleted via this form . The data will be adjusted as quickly as possible.
Additional information can only be added if we can link it to your work address(es). We receive your work address(es) from the Riziv and show it in the module. On this Riziv page you can check whether your work address(es) is known there, and therefore also by us. If this is not the case, you must first register your work address(es) via ProGezondheid . If this is correct, you can complete the form and we will process your request after we receive the work address from the Riziv.

Add your details
Do you not find yourself in the application? Please also complete this form .

* 'Agreement number' can be found on the list of healthcare providers with a CM agreement (osteopathy and chiropractic).