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What to do during pregnancy and birth?

From the first ultrasound to after birth: CM is happy to relieve you of your worries.

Congratulations, you're pregnant!

You will soon bring a child into the world, a milestone in a human life. A crazy ride of 9 months where, as always, you can count on CM for practical information and financial help.

Provide doctor's certificate to employer

You enjoy the status of a protected employee and can no longer be dismissed.

Do you have to stop working early due to health risks? This is called work deletion . You are entitled to benefits.

The NIP test is not mandatory, but reimbursed by CM and therefore often requested in this phase of pregnancy :

  • harmless prenatal test;
  • detects deviations;
  • from 12 weeks.

Communicate delivery date to CM

Inform CM of your expected date of delivery at the start of your maternity leave:

  • have this form completed;
  • or provide a doctor's certificate.

You will receive an information sheet from CM that you complete and return.

CM requests your salary details from your employer or unemployment service.

You receive a benefit during your maternity leave (also called maternity leave).

Request maternity care

You can count on maternity care for help with caring for your baby or help with household tasks from the start of your pregnancy. You request it via:

  • a recognized family care service
  • the Care Line

To request a refund, send the invoice to CM via:

Indicate the birth

Register the birth at the civil registry of your municipality.

Register your child with CM via this online registration form . Also add a photo or a scan of the birth certificate to the form.

You will receive yellow stickers and an ISI+ card in your child's name.

CM will also contact you for the birth gift you are entitled to.

Other CM benefits for young children and their parents include:

Here you will find information about maternity leave for your partner.

In the event of hospitalization or death, your partner can in some cases take converted maternity leave .

Back to work and breastfeeding

Do you want to breastfeed? Then inform your employer 2 months before you return to work that you will be taking breastfeeding breaks.

Provide your employer every month during the breastfeeding period:

  • a certificate from an infant health clinic;
  • or a medical certificate showing that you are breastfeeding.

Provide CM with an application form for each month in which you take a few hours of breastfeeding break . Your employer must complete the form. He can also transmit the data electronically to CM. In that case, you only need to complete your part on the form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Parenting: often fun, sometimes overwhelming. Fortunately, CM offers an answer to the questions you have as a new parent.

Skoebidoe guides you during your pregnancy.
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