Camp and playground allowance
As a CM member you can send your children to youth camp, sports camp, playground activities or open-air classes at a discount.

You can easily combine the following CM benefits with each other. CM will reimburse a total of up to 100 euros per year .
- Youth and sports camp: reimbursement of 5 euros per day
- Playground: reimbursement of 2.50 euros per day
- Open-air classes: reimbursement of 5 euros per day
Important : this refund does not apply to Kazou holidays. There is a CM refund for a monitor course organized by Kazou, which is automatically refunded.
Provide CM with an application form
Provide CM with a completed application form or certificate from the association/organization/school via the My CM app or a CM mailbox after the camp, playground or open-air classes.
Provide the certificate with:
- mention of camp/playground/open-air classes
- name child
- period of camp/playground/open-air classes
- amount of days
- paid amount
- details of the association, organizer or school
- signature/stamp
You will receive the refund
The refund will be transferred to your account after the end of the camp, playground or open-air classes.
- The participating child is a member of CM for the entire duration of the camp/playground activities/open-air classes.
- The child is entitled to a growth package for young people up to a maximum of 25 years or is registered as a dependent.
- The participating child attended the camp for at least 2 days .
- The youth association is aimed at children and young people and has a regular operation that meets the definition of youth work (according to the decree of renewed youth and children's rights policy).
- Whether the association is recognized by C.
- The youth camp is organized by:
- a youth association (description above);
- a facility that is recognized by the Flemish Agency for Persons with Disabilities as MPI or MFC;
- authorized associations as a monitoring course;
- by the Flemish Trainers School (VTS) as a training program as an initiator.
- The camp is a multi-day initiative with consecutive days.
- The participating child is a member of CM for the entire duration of the camp/playground activities/open-air classes.
- The child is entitled to a growth package for young people up to a maximum of 25 years or is registered as a dependent.
- The participating child attended the camp for at least 2 days .
- Sports activity is included in the list of sports in the search engine Sports Flanders.
- The sports camp is organized by:
- a sports service or center of a municipality/province;
- a recognized sports club affiliated with a sports federation Sports Flanders;
- a sports association, club or fitness center that is recognized by the municipal sports council;
- an organization that is committed to athletes with medical problems (recognized by CM).
- The camp is a multi-day initiative with consecutive days.
- The participating child is a member of CM for the entire duration of the camp/playground activities/open-air classes.
- The child is entitled to a growth package for young people up to a maximum of 25 years or is registered as a dependent.
- The playground activities is recognized by the city/municipality or is supported by the Vlaamse Dienst Speelpleinwerk vzw .
- The participating child is a member of CM for the entire duration of the camp/playground activities/open-air classes.
- The child is entitled to a growth package for young people up to a maximum of 25 years or is registered as a dependent.
- The child participated in the open-air class for at least 2 days.
- The open-air classes are organized by a primary or secondary school recognized by a Ministry of Education.
- They are integrated into the curriculum and must include at least one overnight stay. The Rome trips, city classes and sea classes are also eligible for this benefit.
- No refunds for outdoor classes in July and August.
- The outdoor classes are a multi-day initiative with consecutive days.