Global medical record
All data about your health is kept in the Global Medical File (GMD). The GP may charge a fee for this per calendar year, which is fully paid by CM. The settlement is made directly between the GP and CM.

In addition to your general health, the GMD also focuses on prevention . The GP must discuss a checklist with you, which is also kept up to date. This includes, among other things:
- medical history
- drug use
- treatments followed
- reports from specialists and other healthcare providers
- smoking and alcohol consumption
- stress
- research for the detection of colon, cervical and breast cancer
- vaccinations
Ask your doctor for a GMD
Both during a consultation and during a home visit, you can ask your GP to create and maintain a global medical record (GMD). You don't have to do anything else yourself. Your GP settles the GMD directly with CM.
Your GMD will be automatically extended
The extension of your GMD and the associated co-payment reduction takes place automatically. The only condition is that a consultation or home visit by your GP takes place at least once every two years.
What are the advantages?
Efficient medical follow-up
The global medical record (GMD) gives your regular GP a complete picture of your health. This allows the doctor to better assess which tests are necessary or unnecessary and whether the treatments are coordinated.
Co-payment reduction
- 1/3 co-payment reduction for consultations with the GP who maintains the GMD or another GP who has access to the GMD (for example because he works in the same practice). In certain cases, more is also reimbursed for a home visit.
The co-payment reduction applies until the end of the second calendar year following the date of the construction or extension of the GMD. For example, if you have a GMD installed or extended in 2023, you are entitled to a co-payment reduction until the end of 2025.
- Higher reimbursement for a consultation with a specialist , after referral by the GP and if the other conditions are met.
What if you change your doctor?
In this case there is no problem. Your global medical file (GMD) remains within the group practice and the co-payment reduction will continue to be applied automatically.
- If no GMD has yet been charged in the calendar year in which you change GP, your new GP can charge a GMD for that calendar year.
- If a GMD has already been charged in the calendar year in which you change GP, your new GP can no longer charge a GMD for that calendar year.
To benefit from the co-payment reduction, your new GP - if he has access to your GMD - states on the certificate for care provided: 'G + Riziv number of the previous GP'.