What to do with care homes, care stays and palliative home care?
As a person requiring care, will you continue to live at home or will you go to an adapted care institution?

View the different types of housing and their conditions: from kangaroo living to a mobile care home, residential care centers , assisted living homes and palliative home care.
Care living
Care living includes both kangaroo living and mobile care homes.
Kangaroo living
Care living is also called kangaroo living:
- smaller residential unit within your family home;
- separate living areas and separate front door;
- maintaining privacy of each;
- urban development permit required: specific regulation.
What should you do?
- You are not going to expand the house? Then you don't need a permit. You must report structural renovations (mandatory) via the reporting form for care housing.
- Are you going to expand the house? Then you need an urban planning permit.
What after the care situation ends?
- Single-family home again? Report via the reporting form for care living.
- Other people come to live in the care home? Still apply for an urban planning permit.
What are the conditions?
- One subordinate home is created in an existing home.
- The subordinate house forms a whole with the main house.
- The subordinate dwelling, not including common areas, is not larger than one third of the entire dwelling.
- The main house and the subordinate house have the same owner .
- The subordinate part is used by:
- or a maximum of two persons over 65 years of age;
- or a maximum of two persons in need of assistance:
Important : the municipality registers care homes in the National Register . Various authorities are thus aware of the living situation of the residents. This may have consequences for the calculation of benefits or certain premiums.
Mobile care home
A mobile care home is a movable home that is specially designed for people who need care, but still want to continue living independently.
For who is it?
This type of housing may be interesting for:
- elderly;
- people with physical disabilities;
- people with a chronic illness.
What are the advantages of a mobile care home?
- You can continue to live independently for longer.
- You will receive the care and support you need.
- You live near your caregivers in a safe and comfortable way.
- Your informal caregivers retain their own living enjoyment.
- All necessary amenities, such as an adapted bathroom and kitchen, a spacious bedroom and a cozy living room.
- Modern technologies that ensure the safety and comfort of the resident.
Important : the supplier of the mobile care home will help you with your application and drawing up the necessary documents. This way you don't have to worry about the administration and technical aspects. Once all conditions have been met, the care home must be reported on www.Omgevingsloketvlaanderen.be .
More information
Contact Goed for more information or for a no-obligation quote.
Other care accommodations
Residential care center
- Government-approved house where seniors live permanently .
- Also places for elderly people in serious need of care? Then it is a rest and care home (RVT) .
- Other tasks such as night care are possible.
- Questions about rights and obligations in a residential care center? Residential care line of the Flemish Community: [email protected] or 02 553 75 00.
Assisted living homes
- Adapted home that you buy or rent for people who need care, but can still live independently with limited assistance .
- Comfort, privacy and security. 24/7 assistance via a personal alarm system.
- Adapted infrastructure so that you can live there as long as possible.
- Sometimes also a community room where activities are organised.
- The residential assistant helps organize all care and comfort.
- Knowing more? www.checkassistentiewoning.be
Palliative home care
Palliative day centre
- Care for a sick person in the final phase of life.
- Temporarily during the day in a different environment: a listening ear, meetings with fellow sufferers...
- Quiet, homely atmosphere where a lot is possible but nothing is required.
- Works with volunteers.
Palliative unit
- Palliative department in hospital.
- Good medical facilities, in a family atmosphere.
- The patient is central: care is tailored to the rhythm and personal preference of the patient.
- Family and friends are welcome day and night.
No palliative unit in your hospital? Sometimes palliative care is possible in regular hospital wards thanks to the Palliative Support Team . This team consists of nurses and doctors who have been specially trained for this. They not only help patients and families, but also support and advise their colleagues. Contact the treating doctor or hospital for more information.