Working part-time when incapacitated
To be and remain recognized as incapacitated for work, you must stop all activities.

When you have recovered sufficiently to do volunteer work or partially resume work, you can ask the advising doctor for permission. If you do not request permission in advance, you may lose your benefits.
The application must be made at least one day before you start the activity. You do not have to wait for the answer from the advising doctor before starting.
You can submit the application digitally or on paper.
The statement of a percentage of disability (for example 50%) on the disability certificate (confidential) does not count as an application for part-time work. Always submit a separate application form, digitally or on paper.
- Complete the application digitally via
- You will receive a copy of your application in PDF format.
- CM will work on your question and keep you informed.
- You can also apply for an extension of your current admission this way.
- Print and complete the 'Request to exercise an activity' form. Your employer must also complete part of this form and give its approval.
- Send the completed form to CM's consulting physician . The postmark serves as proof of timely application.
- Never deposit the application in a CM mailbox.
- Print and complete the 'Request to exercise an activity' form.
- Send the completed form to CM's consulting physician . The postmark serves as proof of timely application.
- Never deposit the application in a CM mailbox.
The advising doctor will assess your application, after which you will receive the decision. If more information is required for the assessment, we will contact you or invite you for an interview.
From when?
As soon as your application has been submitted, you may resume work part-time or perform a job adapted to your health situation (e.g. lighter work with reduced returns). So you don't have to wait for the advising doctor's decision.
What after the decision of the advising doctor?
Then there are two possibilities.
You can continue your activity.
The doctor gives permission for a maximum of two years . If you want to continue working afterwards, you must submit a new application no later than the last working day of admission.
Depending on the situation, you will retain part or even all of your sickness or disability benefits. Read more about the calculation of your benefit.
You must stop working immediately. You retain your professional income and part of your sickness or disability benefit for the days worked. You will receive your full benefit again from the day of the negative decision.
What are the consequences of a late declaration?
If the application is submitted late because you have already resumed work part-time, this will have financial consequences.
Your sickness or disability benefits will be reduced by 10 percent for the period of lateness.
Your sickness or disability benefits will be reclaimed for the period of lateness.
Changes to activity conditions
If you would like to change the conditions of the activity for which you were approved, such as: number of hours, different assignment, different employer, etc., you must submit a new application in advance. In section two, indicate 'new application'.
The advising doctor will make a decision on this. With a positive assessment you will receive an adjusted admission.
A number of adapted schemes apply to employees, the unemployed and the self-employed.
As a self-employed person, you can request permission to perform a limited activity during your incapacity for work. This can be done as part of your previous self-employed activity, but also as part of another self-employed or salaried activity.
The advising doctor gives permission for a maximum of two years. If you want to continue working afterwards, you must submit a new application no later than the last working day of admission.
There will be no impact on your benefits for the first six months, but after that there will be. Read more about the calculation of your benefit for permitted activity.
Volunteer or association work
Even if you want to do volunteer or association work during a period of incapacity for work, you must request permission from the advising doctor.
You must also notify the advising doctor if you do unpaid volunteer work for a person or organization with whom you have no family ties (e.g. playground supervisor, Red Cross volunteer, cycling race supervisor, etc.).
Send the completed form 'Application for permission for volunteer work' to the CM's advising doctor.
This activity has no impact on your benefits.
Before your illness or accident, did you perform an activity with a contract as an association worker and do you want to continue this activity during your disability? Then ask the advising doctor for permission. You can read how to do this under ' Application' . You have one month to do this from the date of your disability declaration.
Do you want to start an activity with a contract as an association worker during your illness? Then, before you start the activity, ask the advising doctor for permission. You can read how to do this under ' Application '.
You can read more information about which activities fall under association work and who is eligible for it at .
Stopping activities
Even if you stop part-time work, volunteer work or association work, you must report this to the advising doctor.
If you stop the permitted activity, you must report this in writing to the CM's advising doctor. You can do this using the 'Termination or change of permitted work' form.
Provide the CM's consulting physician with the completed form 'Declaration of cessation of permitted work during the incapacity for work' as soon as possible.
If your benefit has been reduced, we will refund your full benefit.