Do you not receive reimbursement for lenses from your health insurance? Then you are eligible for a refund from CM.

Depending on the material from which the lenses are made and the deviation they are intended to correct, your health insurance will reimburse your lenses.
If you are not entitled to this reimbursement from your health insurance, you can enjoy the CM benefit.

Health insurance
Health insurance is mandatory in Belgium. Everyone who contributes can enjoy it.

CM benefit
In addition to the mandatory health insurance, as a CM member you receive additional benefits.
Health insurance | how to apply?
Ask your ophthalmologist for a prescription
Take this prescription to a certified optician.
Deliver prescription to your optician
Always ask whether health insurance will reimburse you.
Health insurance reimbursement?
Are the glasses eligible for reimbursement from health insurance? Then you will receive from your optician:
- a certificate of delivery;
- the prescription you received from your ophthalmologist.
Complete the certificate
When you receive the glasses, complete and sign the delivery certificate. This confirms receipt and informs the optician of the outstanding amount and the supplement that is not reimbursed by the health insurance.
Send the certificate to CM
You provide the following documents to CM via the CM mailbox :
- a certificate of delivery;
- the prescription you received from your ophthalmologist.
Health insurance | how much refund?
Reimbursement per lens for optical contact lenses that are dimensionally stable:
Spherical lenses: 106,08 euro
Toric lenses: 163,20 euro
Reimbursement per eye for optical contact lenses that are flexible:
Spherical lenses: 81,60 euro (gestation period 1 month) | 71,40 euro (gestation period 6 months) | 96,90 euro (gestation period 1 year)
Toric lenses: 98,94 euro (gestation period 1 month) | 183,60 euro (gestation period 6 months) | 214,20 euro (gestation period 6 months)
The reimbursement for flexible lenses always concerns an annual package, so for either 12 monthly lenses, or 2 six-monthly lenses, or 1 annual lens.
If you purchase lenses from a non-contracted optician, the reimbursement will be reduced by 25 percent, unless you are entitled to increased compensation .
Dimensionally stable lenses do not change shape when dry.
Flexible lenses lose their shape when dry. They must always be purchased for a year. So per eye: twelve lenses for one month, two lenses for six months or one lens for a year.
Important : there is no reimbursement for daily or weekly lenses.
Reimbursement per lens for specific contact lenzen:
Lenses type 1: 183,60 euro
Lenses type 2: 204,00 euro
Lenses type 3: 285,60 euro
Lenses type 4: 775,20 euro
If you purchase the lenses from a non-contracted optician, the reimbursement will be reduced by 25 percent, unless you are entitled to increased compensation.
Important : There is no reimbursement for daily or weekly lenses.
Reimbursement per lens voor particularly flexible annual contact lenses:
Lenses type 1: 309,24 euro
Lenses type 2: 531,19 euro
If you purchase the lenses from a non-contracted optician, the reimbursement will be reduced by 25 percent, unless you are entitled to increased compensation.
Important : There is no reimbursement for daily or weekly lenses.
What are the conditions?
If only one eye meets the conditions for a refund, a lens may also be reimbursed for the other eye.
You are only entitled to a refund for lenses if you suffer from one of the following conditions:
- Optical contact lenses
- monocular aphakia
- anisometropia of 3.00 diopters and more
- irregular astigmatism for which correction with spectacle lenses does not help
- ametropia of at least -/+ 6.00 diopters
- Specific contact lenses for corneal irregularities
- keratoconus
- irregular astigmatism for which correction with spectacle lenses does not help
- severe corneal malformation
- albinism
- Special flexible annual contact lenses
- corneal clouding that partially or completely covers the pupil
- coloboma
- definitive mydriasis
- distortion of the pupil
- albinism
- diplopia
- strabismus in case of skin allergy to occluders
- persistent amblyopia
- inoperable cataract
- Dimensionally stable contact lenses are renewable after three full years, starting from the last delivery (e.g. last delivery on April 1, 2018 - renewal from April 1, 2021).
- Flexible contact lenses are renewable after one full year.
- A premature renewal is possible if there is a difference in power of at least 1 diopter with the previous lenses.
CM benefit
If you buy glasses frames, glasses, lenses or a combination of them, you get:
- up to and including 18 years: a refund of up to 50 euros per calendar year;
- from 19 years: a refund of up to 40 euros per calendar year.
You provide the invoice to CM
You provide the following documents to CM via the My CM app or the CM mailbox :
- the invoice stating the diopter;
- the proof of payment stating the diopter and the amount paid.
You will receive your refund
The payment will then be transferred to your account as quickly as possible.
What are the conditions?
- You are a member of CM.
- You bought your lenses from an optician, optometrist, ophthalmologist or pharmacist recognized by the Riziv. You can find this in the 'Search for healthcare providers' module .
- The refund does not apply:
- for lenses with zero diopter;
- for repairs;
- if you receive reimbursement from your health insurance.

CM-MediKo Plan is er ook bij verminderd zicht
- tot 120 euro per jaar voor corrigerende brilglazen
- tot 120 euro per jaar voor contactlenzen
- tot 250 euro per jaar voor lensimplantaten
- tot 250 euro per jaar voor heelkundige correcties van het gezichtsvermogen